We offer nutritional programs to fit individual’s health and weight loss goals. When we design a personalized program we take into account specifics of illness, constitutional type, allergies, food sensitivities, inflammation and any digestive problems.
A Few Healthy Eating Guidelines
1. Avoid refined and processed foods. They usually contain unhealthy food preservatives, low quality oils and excess sugars or salt.
2. Avoid cooking and eating foods made with hydrogenated oils.
3. Cook with cold pressed oils – olive, coconut, sesame, rice bran oil or butter.
4. Avoid high fat, fried, and fast foods and hydrogenated fats.
5. Select fresh, nutritious whole foods, organic if possible. Include plenty of vegetables.
6. Avoid eating carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index (foods that break down to sugar quickly such as white bread, pasta or potatoes).
7. Eat meals that have a lower glycemic load. Carrots, for example, even though they have a high glycemic index, have a much lower glycemic load than pasta because they are less carbohydrate-dense.
8. Vegetable juices are great for you, especially fresh. They have a high concentration of absorbable minerals, vitamins and enzymes.
9. Avoid artificial sweeteners such as Splenda, NutraSweet, Aspartame, Equal and all sodas that contain them. Good sugar substitutes are xylitol and stevia.
10. Eat smaller meals with snacks in between to help regulate blood sugar.
11. Do not skip meals; especially breakfast as this tends to slow down metabolism.
12. Drink 6 – 8 glasses of water or more especially when exercising or in hot weather. Dehydration mimics hunger.
13. Eat slowly. Chew your food thoroughly, take a few deep breaths between bites. This will help to prevent overeating as the satiation response takes time to kick in.
14. Accept and love yourself as you make changes that will improve your health.